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'Digital Badges' Would Represent Students' Skill Acquisition

For many adults, the thought of earning badges evokes childhood memories of sewing Boy Scout or Girl Scout patches onto sashes and vests.

But some educators are hoping that the current generation of children will associate the word with something new: digital badges.

In this vision, electronic images could be earned for a wide variety of reasons in multiple learning spaces, including after-school programs, summer workshops, K-12 classrooms, and universities. And once earned, the badges could follow students throughout their lifetimes, being displayed on websites or blogs and included in college applications and résumés.

The concept originated at the end of 2010 at a conference held by the Mozilla Foundation in Barcelona, Spain. The idea is getting a toehold in higher education and is being tried with some youths at the precollegiate level.

Advocates of this vision for K-12 contend that such badges could help bridge educational experiences that happen in and out of school, as well as provide a way to recognize "soft skills" such as leadership and collaboration. Badges could paint a more granular and meaningful picture of what a student actually knows than a standardized-test score or a letter grade, they say.

But not all educators are convinced of the merits of the idea. Because badges are still being developed and have not yet been introduced into classrooms, how they would fit into the structure of K-12 education and whether they could actually fulfill the goals that proponents have described are still up for debate.

Other skeptics argue that introducing digital badges into informal education settings—where most agree they would have the greatest impact initially—could bring too much structure and hierarchy to the very places students go to seek refuge from formal achievement tracking. And many point to research that suggests rewarding students, with a badge for instance, for activities they would have otherwise completed out of personal interest or intellectual curiosity actually decreases their motivation to do those tasks.
Advocates see it differently.

Among the strongest proponents of the idea is the Chicago-based John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which has spearheaded the digital-badges movement for lifelong learning by launching a competition for badge proposals in partnership with Mozilla, a nonprofit Web organization best known for its open-source browser Firefox, and HASTAC, or Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, a network of individuals promoting new technologies for learning.

"Kids are learning in their peer group. They're learning online. They're learning in interest groups and after-school programs," says Constance M. Yowell, the director of education for U.S. programs at the MacArthur Foundation. "One of the things that is abundantly clear to us is that learning is incredibly fragmented, and there's nobody that's helping the learning that's happening across those connections."

Helping to string together learning achievements across informal and formal education, as well as at transitional education points, such as from precollegiate to higher education and from formal education into the workplace, is one of the main goals of badge advocates.

For example, K-12 students could earn badges for mastering certain content, such as physics or trigonometry, or for soft skills acquired in afterschool settings, such as leadership or environmental stewardship, that could paint a clearer picture of themselves for college admissions officers.

"How do you make visible what kids are learning, and how do you help them get credit for it?" says Yowell. "How do you build bridges across the multiple places that kids are learning so they can see the connections between what they're learning inside of school and outside of school?"


Another advantage of digital badges, their boosters say, is the ability to create learning pathways where none previously existed. For example, students who have earned an introduction to HTML badge, which refers to a type of computer programming language, could then be encouraged to pursue an intermediate level HTML badge to continue building their skills, a website creation badge where they could apply that skill, or a badge for a new programming language, such as Java or CSS.

"With badges, you can actually scaffold out a pathway of what is next," Yowell says. "We want as much as possible to create multiple entry points for learning and multiple pathways for career and academic success."
Yowell envisions a recommendation tool that could point students to a variety of opportunities based on the competencies they've demonstrated through earning their badges.

"It becomes an integrated process as opposed to one where the assessments are separate," Yowell says.
This was one of the reasons why MOUSE, a New York City-based youth-development program that teaches students to provide technical support and leadership in their schools, began using badges. One of the main programs MOUSE offers is MOUSE Corps, a career-readiness program for high schoolers that gives those students experience providing information technology support for their schools, as well as professional internships, mentoring, and skills-building workshops.

"What it's really about is giving [students] that authentic role in their schools, and giving them all kinds of venues to apply their skills in real ways," says Marc Lesser, the education director of MOUSE. "The major outcome of [MOUSE Corps] is all about applying skills, but we also want to help them to envision a pathway that goes beyond 12th grade." 

MOUSE, which operates in 400 sites across the nation, has been experimenting with awarding digital badges for the past two years, says Lesser. So far, the organization has awarded more than 19,000 digital badges for a range of activities, including interacting with other students in MOUSE on its social-networking website; taking care of schools' IT tickets, or requests for technical help; completing workshops; and mastering technical skills such as networking or programming languages like HTML.

The group's move to digital badges was partly spurred by a desire to encourage students to think about the program as more than just a semester-long commitment, Lesser says.

"We needed to start helping young people see a trajectory for themselves [in the program]. There's far more impact when young people stay with us for longer periods of time," he says. "Badges may help learners see steppingstones that don't lay out in a linear way."

For example, once one badge is earned, a host of other badge-earning opportunities open up to students.
MOUSE also had to devise a way to track where students were in the program and provide them feedback about their progress.

"We needed a way to be able to give credit where credit was due in all different scenarios—when learners were experiencing or building skills in all kinds of different ways and around all different kinds of skills," Lesser says.

'Gamification' of Education

But skeptics point to research that shows that giving out rewards (extrinsic motivation) for tasks that students are already doing for their own personal enjoyment (intrinsic motivation) actually reduces the overall motivation students feel for those tasks and undermines student engagement.

Henry Jenkins, the provost's professor of communication, journalism, and cinematic arts at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, says badges run the risk of contributing to the "gamification" of education.

"[Gamification] is a system which does not trust the power of intrinsic motivation and feels the need to add a layer of extrinsic motivation," says Jenkins, who was interviewed by email. "Some forms of gamification rely so heavily on points schemes that there is far less effort to make the activities meaningful in and of themselves."

Already, many students are caught up in such a conception of education, he says, with high-achieving students focusing more on receiving high grades—or a multitude of badges—than the learning itself.
"I worry that badges can become just another points system … [that] undercuts the motivational structures," he says.

And when it comes to informal learning, part of what makes such learning unique, he says, is precisely the lack of hierarchical structure and formalization that badges threaten to impose.

"Too quick a move towards badges runs the risk of destroying the complex but fragile ecosystem within which participatory learning thrives," Jenkins says. Providing adult validation for student achievements through digital badges in places where that validation did not previously play a role could turn some students off, he says.

"There is a value in helping these youths find ways to value what they are doing as intellectual pursuits, and there is a value in seeking to validate these experiences and help them learn how to mobilize that knowledge as they learn to work through the formal structures that exert power over their lives," says Jenkins. "But making badges too central to the process may alienate them before they have a chance to exert ownership over the knowledge they are acquiring."

That is part of the reason why digital badges should be viewed as feedback, rather than a reward, says Yowell, of the MacArthur Foundation.

"What we think matters most for learning is, how do you give the learner and the folks supporting that learner ongoing feedback about how they're doing?" she says. "We're not having a conversation about replacing standardized tests or grades."

The badges competition hosted by the MacArthur Foundation, Mozilla, and HASTAC concluded on March 1 at the Digital Media and Learning Conference in San Francisco, where 30 winners—chosen from 91 proposals—were awarded grants ranging from $25,000 to $175,000 to develop their ideas. The winners—including heavy hitters such as Intel, NASA, and Disney-Pixar—have one year to develop their digital badges, working with other winners to form a badge "ecosystem" that educators hope will transform the way achievement is acknowledged for learners of all ages.

"Part of our goal for the competition was to build a community of thoughtful collaborators," says Yowell. "We are welcoming of all those who want to join ts in this endeavor and be thoughtful skeptics."

Two key factors in selecting the grant winners were the transportability and the granularity of the proposed badges, says David Theo Goldberg, the director of the MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Research Hub at the University of California, Irvine.

Transportability refers to the ability of the badge to follow the badge earner through his or her lifetime and be recognized in a variety of environments. Granularity emphasizes the need for specific data and details about why and how the badge was earned, so that anyone viewing it will have a clear understanding of the competencies of the badge owner.

Some of the winners will clearly target K-12 students. One such proposal, the "American Graduate: Let's Make It Happen" badges, is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in an effort to target potential dropouts by engaging them in digital educational resources. Another winner, BuzzMath, will focus on helping students set goals to master the Common Core State Standards in mathematics.

Others, such as BadgesWork for Vets and the Design for America: A Badge Community for Innovation, are being developed for different population groups as well as the general public.

Building a 'Badge Economy'

On its surface, a digital badge is nothing more than an image file encoded with metadata, or information, that includes all the data needed to understand the badge, such as which organization awarded it, what skill or achievement it represents, if and when it expires, and links to evidence for why it was awarded.
With support from the MacArthur Foundation, Mozilla has developed an Open Badge Infrastructure, or OBI, designed to become the underlying technical scaffolding for badges.

"The Open Badge Infrastructure creates some standardization around a common language of badges that we can all communicate with," says Erin Knight, a senior director of learning for the Mountain View, Calif.-based Mozilla Foundation. "The idea is that each badge carries with it all the information you need to understand the badge."

The OBI details exactly what should be included in the metadata of the badge; supports the issuance, collection, and display of badges; allows badge earners to tie their badges to their own identities; and provides badge earners with a way to sort and manage their badges.

Part of the infrastructure includes a "digital backpack" in which badges can be stored,managed, and displayed. Keeping the badge earner in control of which badges are seen by whom was a big consideration in the development of the OBI, Knight says.

Sunny Lee is an open-badges product manager and partner manager for the Mozilla Foundation. "[The digital backpack] enables the learner to be able to curate and manage the image that they want to represent to the rest of the world," she says. "The idea is that we're kind of laying down the plumbing for this badge economy to flourish. Now, we need some badges circulating around the economy to jumpstart it."

Some observers wonder how meaningful badges can become if any organization is allowed to give them out for any reason; the fear is of an influx of superficial badges that have little to do with learning. But Knight says that is precisely why the badge earner must be responsible for managing his or her own badges.

"Yes, there will be badges that mean nothing—that will happen—but the key is that the learner is in control, and they can decide what is important and how they share those badges," she says. "One of the problems we're trying to solve is that a lot of the way learning is defined right now is incredibly prescribed, and the learning that counts is top-down decided. … We want to open up and legitimize learning that's happening everywhere."

While much remains to be seen about how digital badges could affect K-12 learners, many involved in the movement say they appreciate the conversation it has sparked about assessment, the tracking of achievement, and lifelong learning.

"We're definitely not saying that [digital badges] are a silver bullet, and we're not even saying that badges are going to end up being one of the pieces of the solution, but there's clearly a lot of potential here, and at the end of the day, if we decide that badges aren't the right way to do it, it would be hard for us not to consider that it's somewhat of a success," says Knight, of the Mozilla Foundation. "Everybody has elevated these issues and come together to think about it and been willing to turn assumptions on their head."
Digital badges are a way of forcing educators to recognize that learning is no longer confined to a classroom and is taking place anytime, anywhere, adds Goldberg, of the Irvine, Calif. and Durham, N.C.-based HASTAC.
"What this speaks to, and what the interest in badging as a creative form of motivation assessment and reward for learning is, is a sense that learning is transforming before our very eyes and has been certainly since the advent of the Internet," he says.
"It's the case that learning is taking place around the clock," he says. "It's taking place interactively and collaboratively in all sorts of ways both inside and especially outside of institutional framing."

Making the Case for Mobile Tech. Expansion

For most people, the words "mobile phone" and "learning" are antonyms. If Shakespeare's plays and Proust's novels are at one end of a spectrum tracing intellectual rigor, mobile phones—brimming with moronic Twitter feeds, emoticon-stained text messages, and absurd games—are on the other, or so the thinking goes. Despite the fact that mobile phones have become increasingly central to our day-to-day lives, we continue to maintain that far from facilitating learning, the devices tucked in our pockets actually thwart the development of analytical thinking skills.

As a result, schools often ban mobile phones. In developed and developing countries alike, a person is as likely to find a "no cellphone" sign taped to a school wall as a "no smoking" sign. And the similar design of the signs—an image of a phone or cigarette with a red slash through the middle—is hardly an accident. They both communicate an unambiguous message: cellphones, like cigarettes, provide a quick fix, but ultimately they will hurt you and, therefore, have no place in centers of education. Research collected at UNESCO indicates that phones are strictly prohibited in many schools around the world.

Fortunately, a small but growing number of school leaders have realized that mobile phones, far from being a Marlboro encased beneath an LCD screen, are devices of dizzying utility, and that they carry enormous potential to empower learning, not only in schools but also beyond them. Today, who among us has not used a mobile phone to solve a problem, learn something about the world, or cooperate with others? Whether it be reading a newspaper, geo-tagging photos, checking the pronunciation of a word, translating one language into another, exploring new music and videos, or composing something artful in an email or, yes, even a text message, we are all already learning with mobile devices.

To pretend that people cannot or will not leverage technology to improve their productivity is naive and ultimately self-defeating. We do not ask students to forgo word processors in favor of typewriters, calculators in favor of slide rules, or Internet databases in favor of card catalogs, and even if we did, students would ignore us. The benefits of having instant access to communication and the largest cache of information civilization has ever known are simply too great to ignore.

Just ask the people of Africa: On that continent, people spend, on average, 17 percent of their monthly income on mobile phones and connectivity plans. People in Western Europe and North America spend under 2 percent. Why are Africans willing to spend so much? Because the cost of not having a mobile device is greater. Mobile phones have become an essential ingredient of everyday life; they are more appendage than tool, often the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we see before going to bed.
Today, the question is not whether schools will engage with mobile technologies, but when and how. To borrow a (perhaps crude) analogy, the relentless push to enhance our intelligence with technology—and, make no mistake, we are enhancing our intelligence when we lean on our phones to fill in gaps in our knowledge—resembles an arms race. Sticking with swords when the other side is transitioning to muskets is not really a choice. And even if a treaty exists that asks all sides to keep muskets out of their armories, when one party defects, the others are suddenly under pressure to defect as well, lest they fall behind.

This innovate-or-die instinct applies to education as well: When one university makes the contents of its library searchable from any digital device with an Internet connection, others are obligated to follow. And when one school figures out how to teach students to use, rather than shun, ubiquitous and extremely powerful technology toward constructive ends, other schools must follow suit as well. Education may be notoriously slow to change, but it is hardly immune to the laws of creative destruction.

While "disruption" is often a word that gets tagged to efforts to integrate technology in education, the idea that learning facilitated by mobile devices will suddenly make teachers and perhaps even schools extraneous relics of a pre-digital age couldn't be further from the truth. Knowing how to use technology in ways that foster healthy intellectual and social development is not self-evident at all. Study after study has revealed that despite knowing the basics of how to thumb through mobile applications, students are ill-prepared to skillfully navigate the oceans of information available to them. They can find websites and download software, sure, but filtering, organizing, using, and learning from myriad resources is a different matter entirely.

Experiments have shown, for example, that very few students know how to use electronic databases to help them identify high-quality content. More recent investigations suggest that even advanced university students will rarely consider information beyond the top four or five Web pages returned by an Internet search engine when formulating answers to complex questions. Increasingly, students appear to be putting more trust in machines than in their individual abilities to critically evaluate the relevance of data. Thus far, schools have failed to provide a counterweight to the unthinking algorithms of Google and Yahoo because, too often, they turn a blind eye to the technology students are using to access information.

To be sure, in the wrong hands, a mobile phone can be the intellectual equivalent of a cigarette. A teacher's job is to show students how it can also be educational broccoli—something that builds healthy minds.
Mobile devices need not be threatening to educators. They can help both teachers and students work smarter and faster and in contexts that better approximate the technologically enhanced and, yes, sometimes technologically laden world waiting outside the classroom. A primary task of teachers is to help students know the difference: to evaluate when technology is a genuine tool and when it is a flashy distraction. Teachers are well-placed to help students learn how to leverage the technology that is increasingly converging inside mobile devices to accelerate learning.

Make no mistake, mobile devices are here to stay. They assist in tasks of every type, from finding and securing jobs, to learning the market prices of commodities, to sending pictures, to checking account balances, to bringing down corrupt governments. If you can think of a project, more often than not there is a way the phone in your pocket can help you do it. Today, there are more than 5.9 billion mobile-phone subscriptions worldwide, and for every one person who accesses the Internet from a computer, two do so from a mobile device. Current projections suggest that you will be very hard pressed to find anyone without a working mobile phone by 2015. From Burma to Bangalore to Baltimore, we are a world united in our embrace of this transformative technology.

Banning mobile devices in an era literally saturated with them is no longer a viable option, not for individual schools or for larger education systems. Engage we must.

The harder question of how to use the devices to enhance learning will probably take years to sort out, but that task needs to begin in earnest. And educators, not technologists, are the ones who should blaze the path forward; they are the experts in learning and development. The Nokias, Apples, and Samsungs of the world have provided us amazing tools at affordable prices. It is now our job to figure out how these tools—the ones we use every day—can further and deepen not only the education of students around the world but, indeed, our own educations.

Mobile phones need not be an educational cigarette; they carry a vast and unrealized potential to make learning more accessible and more effective everywhere. The time to seriously explore this potential is now.

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Programs for Forensic Psychology Degree

There are so many things that you must learn in organizational psychology graduate programs to learn how to become forensic psychologist. Learn the steps to enter career race is better idea to take it, what will their career options and whether it is right profession for anyone, especially you. Forensic psychology is difficult task in the field of civil law and criminal with the judgment of the accused. For example, a part of the responsibility of their work are able to determine whether defendant brought to trial, if older people are able to make decision or to decide whether death is suicide or by accident. There are many studies in question, and the work is often stressful, but there’re many rewards, when you're ready for a challenge.

The reason why I did it because despite the fact that every student have in psychology (about 180 of them) to do for the course in forensic psychology to a list of electives, and not one of them was to ask in advance what was the price. Now keep in mind the students to choose optional courses in good time before the start date and make an informed decision that they are all good ideas, with the teacher during the execution of this state, before they were to speak a final decision. I guess knowing that in fact me, as I discussed with the students before they had to know what forensic psychology, because they had already felt a preconceived notion.

In forensic psychology degrees, you’ll learn to know and understand the role of mental health professional within legal system and about the psychology use in criminal and civil penalties. They are skills as you gain effectively with the offenders and ethical issues in forensic psychology discipline. As student begin to know how criminal is considered by many systems on the environment and the psychosocial theory, research and practice this is both perpetrator and victim is affected by crime. Do not stay in the lines of a desire, because they were part of the growing and exciting discipline of psychology. All you need is the power of your laptop to explore many accredited universities to offer the online degrees in the forensic psychology.

Finally, the forensic psychology is valuable in maintaining justice in the criminal justice system, the elimination of fraudulent statements and information extraction of information gathered about the facts of inaccurate statements and the creation of the corresponding parameters of the fitness and intelligence between law enforcement authorities applying the law. A forensic psychologist may also exercise their skills in the formulation of new guidelines for the rehabilitation of offenders.

Games for help the math problems

Children get quickly help they need for mathematics that is the subject frustrating and boring for them. It is recommended to introduce mathematics at an early stage and a practical approach to the development of a child process. Children should start learning and practicing the subject of mathematics in kindergarten and first three or more years of their school.Parents must be willing to help if they need help with math problems solve. 

Ways to help children with math help can be a daunting task to find the answers. But help for math success can be easily understood by children to learn how different kids ability and lesson plans that adapt to the new lesson in the form of significant advantages. Modern educators understand that children learn differently, depending on whether the child in the learning process that are not related to intelligence of the children. Quite simply is better way to teach math concepts in a classroom full of students in their learning ability. 

Educators ensure an individual approach to each child's progress on this important opportunity to understand about the develop process of learning. But educators often do not have time to adapt the curriculum is to prepare each student depending on the learning process. This is the reason that most students need math help problems by the parents or educators. The new class of kindergarten through third grade with the old concept that has been fully included in the excavation of a mathematical argument was introduced that’s support the material. Many problems can learn a single concept or lesson that is not obvious to the new approach should be adopted and transmit to the children. Given the support that children need their parents to pursue ways to probability help math and to monitor developments on offer. 

Some computer games are an effective tool in the field of mathematics to understand the concept of calculates. Children can develop a curriculum to play online with a significant mathematical practice with the game online. Periodic reports to demonstrate to parents and educators to develop a process that produced a child development. If a child has problems with her lesson that some educators may use different strategies to ensure that the concept is fully understood by the students to justice and to understand it. There is another advantage of math games for kids to help children for getting interesting and fun doing the math task.

The trick to think small and build out from the pets business

When you love animals, the more you think it works for you. There is no reason not to start their own problems of small pets, especially considering that there are others like it around you. It is possible to provide the service, everyone secretly wants, and you will make money and have fun. There are various domestic jobs out there. You can easily extend these ideas and other pet owners. If you have a talent for photography, this is the right partner for you. With recent advances in digital photography, it is necessary also to take pictures in a dark room to develop one less thing around if you do not know how to worry. 

A good digital camera can help save lives, beautiful pictures and money on film. Understand that many people, such as theme and decor when it comes to their pets come to seek, in different contexts always, props, costumes and toys. Once the trade is fairly well developed, you can explore other ways to earn more profits. Search by title, images can be transmitted, such as cups, is greeting cards, T-shirts, and all other items on the representation of people buy their pets. No one likes to leave their pets in kennels in the cage wire with dozens of other dogs barking and cats meowing. Once the service began to grow stronger, you can use other people who want to do animal care and add it to your pet sitting in business. You can search for multiple clients simultaneously. It all depends on what you need in your business. 

We've all heard stories leave the dog alone in a house or apartment. The owner is going to work or some other event, and the dog pulled shoes, bank, and in general, prove destructive behavior. This is because unlike dogs, cats are that they are social people or other dogs and needs. With the opening of the service every day for the people, should have the peace of their mind and their dog being happy. If you go to a room in the house for some, playing a dog and bark, then you can start easily. Or you could invest bit and the owner of the site as a commercial warehouse space, and how to improve care in kennel software. With lots of toys, outdoors, maybe even a bench or two and a bit of water, the dogs have to explore all kinds of time and play to their owners, is to take home. Be sure to let the owners know this is just a daily and animals do not seem too long, if you do not want to hear your nest on the actual dog hotel and how to do it.

Protect our pets by using ID card

Animal lovers who are desperate to learn to recognize the sensation you get when your puppy, adult dog or lost cat. It's amazing how much we care about our dogs and our cat. We can protect our pets from losing. If you have pets and want to take care of him more, then this article is for you, especially if you have a dog and loves to travel with your pet or if you are in the cage from time to time. 

Our pets in the cage can more safety and we don’t worry about lose control. This can solve your afraid from your pets. You did ever think about your dog's ID card. Kennel software comes to solve it. To detect small appliances, can be a little extra to make sure you walk your dog. ID cards are very popular today for protect our pets. Not only for people that using ID card, our pets can use it too.  Almost everyone wears them hanging by the neck or on your belt or bag, and allow us, we or our corporate office to enter the IT network. Provide your pet with a Pet ID card can really make your life much easier. 

There is a number of pre-Pet ID card to fill in information technology, with your pet, but you can mean a very simple way to protect our pets. This guide identifies the device should also be information about your pet, whether it be governments, identifying the event of loss or kennel owner that may be needed in an emergency or if he loses. Pet lovers can satisfy using this ID. They can feel comfort about them pets. So do not forget to include a photo when your dog's age, size, color, allergies, may have a chronic illness, suffering, who can, take medications, veterinarian's name and phone number, name and telephone number, travel, and if it has one, the microchip number. 

All information about your pets can be save in the software that’s help to find the lose pets from your hand. You can easily ID your pet with quality software, printer paper and card design. Highly recommended to laminate the papers is so it can withstand long-lasting and can wear all day. If you have a printer, paper, or if you know someone who lent you, you can create your own pet ID card with the help of mapping software that came with the card printer.

Recruiting Software

Recruiters have a difficult job. Management Recruiters are even more difficult! Two major challenges for management is a good recruiter, recruitment and monitoring processes to identify good and evil in this process. Recruiter is at placement offices usually have the same different techniques and styles. Acceptance offers by the employer and the applicant. This is the first milestone on the offer and acceptance of arrival. Think of the traditional sales will be closed. If your company received many offers, but very few cases, this is definitely a stopper. Something in Your management process should be the ideal solution to show the receipt of money for your business and your niche recruitment. The ratio depends on the style and niche recruitment. Of course, most people would say, but 100% to 100% is not as good as one might think. Maybe the company is releasing too much. Destruction may be the customer. 

If you put aside your view of clients as well, and only closed orders slam dunk to open the door a little and take some orders and get a ration institutions offer low marginal, but the number of placements made. Appropriate on the applicant. If one candidate for each offer you receive you may have to look at your relationship as a store for the launch date instead. There may be more if other placements on offer, but with a lower percentage of acceptances. This question can break along the same lines at the top by industry, location of the client and the recruiter. If we do not offer enough, you get more. More interviews, more jobs, more candidates, more phone calls or contacts. We need to deal with customers more and more applicants. 

We spend time each candidate's perspective. One candidate is the candidate's perspective that we can contact us to create goodwill and trust is not always the position immediately. We have many contacts, both for telephone meetings, e-mail or the association or function. So now we know what questions to manage the recruitment process. We have the answer. Now I take my point, and the purpose of this article. The answer should be in your recruiting software, ATS or CRM system. If the answer is not available, find recruiting software that gives this answer. Also make sure that the drug is not worse than the disease. 

One of the first rules of good recruiting software is that information to manage the recruitment process will be available on an ad hoc basis. As you can see from above there are hundreds of variables that can be evaluated for managing the recruitment process. It would be silly for a single report or series of reports that all of these indicators have been identified. Therefore, the process of answering these questions is very dynamic and creative, how to ask for the manager.

Tej Kohli thinks that as being a strong foundation

Tej Kohli thinks that as being a strong foundation is important to make a building, market and keyword research is among the most significant and crucial facets of Seo. With no proper market and keyword research, all of your efforts and time may use vain. Before beginning the optimisation process, its essential that you perform a careful and thru research and select your key phrases sensibly.

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Exactly why is Market And Keyword Research so Crucial?

An effective market and keyword research can help you pick which key phrases you ought to be focusing on using the Search engine optimization. Many people result in the mistake of choosing key phrases based by themselves understanding. They feel they be aware of key phrases they must be focusing on. Though instinct could be a great guide, it is also misleading sometimes. For example, the saying ‘search engine optimization’ will get an believed 16000 searches daily as the phrase ‘search engine marketing’ will get roughly 8800 searches daily. Now your instinct may let you know to focus on the later, since the levels of competition are less and you’ll get good ratings, however it would only enable you to get half the traffic you could have, should you have had selected and rated well for ‘search engine optimization’.

In addition, you might not have the ability to rank well for several key phrases if you do not place in significant efforts and time. Some key phrases require devoted backlink building to position well, in spite of how good you optimize your website. Furthermore, you will find another key phrases that individuals uses to search for what your site offers that wouldn’t even mix the mind. So, besides telling you the most popular keyword trends, the study may also provide you with new keyword ideas.

Things to Research?

You will find two primary aspects of market and keyword research, the very first is recognition, how often the key phrases are researched for. Leading search engines like google like Google, Yahoo and MSN don’t share the actual quantity of looks for particular key phrases. Fortunately, you will find many online tools that provides you pretty accurate figures, and Google too provides a free tool that provides the ‘approximate’ quantity of looks for a keyword. It might not function as the perfect tool, but is provides you with a concept of which key phrases are most widely used. Tej Kohli advices you to employ both Google plus some alternate keyword recognition oral appliance compare the outcomes, before picking your specific key phrases.

The 2nd primary element of market and keyword research is competition research. It starts with examining the webpages to determine how competitive your site is for general and exclusive key phrases. In Search engine optimization parlance we frequently refer to it as page strength. Essentially, you will find two parameters to page strength the overall strength from the site, and the effectiveness of a specific inner page. The following important part of market and keyword research would be to examine the keyword itself and find out how competitive it’s. This really is frequently known to as keyword difficulty. A keyword’s difficulty could be partly based on verifying how competitive the web pages are that rank well for the keyword. But it may be tricky, the reason why being:

1.Only internet search engine designers understand how every internet search engine works and see whether a website or page is competitive or otherwise. We never can obtain access to that information.

2.Every internet search engine features its own method of determining how competition a website or page is. So, even when you acquire one, there is no need that other search engines like google would work exactly the same way.

Regardless of these complaints the search engines like google do provide us some general here is how to create a site competitive.

‘Without a great market and keyword research your seo efforts is going to be like shooting an arrow within the dark’, states Tej Kohli. There’s no guarantee in regards to what you’re going to get. Sometimes you might pick key phrases that aren’t looked for or key phrases which are far too competitive for the site to position well. Its is the interest to understand what you ought to be focusing on.

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The particular blood pressure oil drip suit may look the identical with other statements lawsuit. Nonetheless, to find the right technique of your bp state, you will require the help in the expert. Farrell & Patel law firm is the authorized establishment you can trust for your essential oil leak claims. Regardless of whether you live within Sarasota or some other condition, this organization will give you the actual competent Blood pressure declare lawyer that meets your preferences. The particular attorney will show you and also enable you to procedure the actual complex as well as time-consuming gulf oil spill lawsuit case.

The actual oil leak might be an unintended incident. Nonetheless, the related get together ought to place significantly attention with this matter capable to help to make anticipation. If this factor happens after that, the victims are worthy of for the oil spill recuperation. Because the method won’t be simple, the assistance from the expert gulf oil spill attorneys is necessary. Do not be hesitated to access to acquire gulf coast promises service last transaction you're looking for for. Fill the proper execution to start out.

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With Internet connection, the life is getting simpler than before. We could perform many things with the help of this particular incredible technologies. Running a business stage, Internet engineering will help us carrying out our marketing strategy. If we want to acquire shut with this prospective customers, we can make use of e mail to make it happen. Needless to say we'd like not only an email support however we need the actual mass email service that allows us all sending several e-mail to numerous people.

Emailing is one of the best techniques in marketing since we all don’t need to invest much cash and moment. The spot that can help all of us implementing email marketing enterprise method is Because the professional associated with Unrestricted Bulk e mail Services there will be no restrict to send e-mail the following. It's going to be the greatest Unrestricted E-Mail Machine individuals may have. iMailUnlimited gives not just the part since Mass E-Mail Host but additionally some providers to aid e-mail marketing enterprise such as Bullet-Proof SMTP Want to help to make the enterprise retains guaranteed.

Anytime we obtain baffled about how we are able to make the effective low priced email marketing, iMailUnlimited should be the destination. We could select numerous mass e-mail service business solutions right here including Volume SMTP Service that's best for our company.

Achieving degree by using online course

Talking about leadership closely related to our lives because we do not live alone, we live with many people surrounding us. We need to learn to be a leader, because actually we are the leader for ourselves. Today many countries still use an authoritarian leadership model whose the leader still has full authority while the developing era, the authoritarian model of leadership is no longer appropriate to be applied. Essentially, a leader is one who can embody the aspirations of all subordinates and provide solutions and policies that can represent the needs of all subordinates. So a leader should not be arbitrarily use their office for personal gain. Being a wise leader requires a long process because it takes lots of practice experience and maturity of thought. 

Associated with leadership, there are many university offers leadership training for all people. If you join this leadership-training program, you will get a leadership certificate later so that if you need to become business leaders at any time, no doubt for leadership qualities you have. Leaders nowadays face a changing rapidly planet along with better demands, swiftly difficult circumstances and also wide social implications. These factors demand a fresh way of viewing issues, innovative approaches and also built-in whole-world thinking.. You can get the university majoring in leadership has a special program integrated with the degree of Master of Art as well organized and has a specific curriculum so that graduates of this program will have a good qualification. 

This program does not only improve academic qualifications but also increased personal qualifications and intrapersonal qualifications. Besides that, there is also a leadership program majoring in mass communications program. You can also get this program online. This communications degree online is a person's professional development program in influencing the masses because it is actually between the leadership and communication programs that are interrelated. Both of the programs also have received awards from the National Communication Association.

Achieving Your Degree Successfully

Health is an important aspect in our life because health is one of the blessings God to the inhabitants. In public life, we need to instill knowledge to the community that health is very important. We can start from the health of our self and then we distribute it to people who are around us. We can imagine when people cannot keep healthy, how many losses that we must bear. An example; when we live in a slum area and people over there do not maintain health, when the rain come, the area would flood n then it will be a lot of diseases will spread in that area. Depart from that fact, we need to provide health education to the community so that they realize how important and expensive health. 

Health education degree of society is still low especially in slum area, we still need to look for the appropriate way to aware the society about the important of health. The role of the government here, it is also important because if the only society without the legalization of the government or help from the government, everything will be useless. All health education degrees of the society should be improved in order to create health environment surrounding us. Start from the small environment, it will affect another side of other environment. Nowadays, there is an offering from the online health education to aware society about the important of health. It gives online health education degree. This program is very flexible for us because we do not have to come into the classroom, we can arrange the schedule base on our activities, and it is not spend a lot of many for the transportation. We just stay at our home and connect your computer with the internet then you can learn everything in it.

Professional Assistance for the Most Horrible Subjects

There are several horrible subjects which always make student under dizzy as well as get stress. Those are physics, math, chemistry as well as biochemistry. Students often face problems when they get homework around those. In that way, getting a good value for those subjects is almost impossible even more getting the perfect one.

Nowadays, you are able to utilize such assistance from people who are in-depth knowledge as well as professional in those subjects. To find them, you are allowed to visit then submit your homework. Its site will give you the professional to aid you fixing the homework easily. No matter what subjects you have among those, for instance biochemistry help, you are allowed to submit it and immediately the result will be sent to you as fast as you need.

You don’t have to wait for a long time even more if you have a very short of time, you still could rely on it. Besides, its offer several assignments ready to be bought so you are allowed to buy assignment online on its site directly. When you get trouble about your math for instance Parabola properties which often quite difficult for almost all of students, you just require to contact it and suddenly you will get the assistance. In fact, recently for other subjects such as economics as well as writing tasks, those are received as well.

Qualified Professionals’ Help for Calculus Assignments

For many students, mathematics is considered as one of the most difficult but challenging subjects to understand. Maybe you are one of those students. When you have to finish some assignments related to mathematics, you realized that you have to do a task with many mathematics formulas and oftentimes difficult symbols. When you are not able to memorize well the formulas and symbols, you may have a big problem in finishing the assignment or homework. The only ways you need to do is opening your mathematics books again and try to be friendly with the subject. However, reading the materials provided on your mathematics book sometimes does not help you much. Therefore, you really need helps to solve the problems. One of the most common helps you may need is calculus assignment help.

As a branch of mathematics, calculus task is the most frequent task assigned to the students. Getting a calculus assignment help online could be the best solution for you who have problems with the assignment. However, you should ensure yourself that you get the help from the best one. It is, then, important for you to find the best calculus assignment help website where you find qualified professionals to help you finishing your assignment.

Affordable Price for High Quality Term Papers

All students absolutely expect the best marks for any assignments they have including term paper which has to be finished at the end of the semester. However, many students may face difficulties in writing a term paper because of many common reasons such as limited sources, limited time available, and limited knowledge to write an academic writing. If this is the one that happdns to you, you have to be ready to get a bad mark of which you have never expected before. Getting professionals’ assistance must be the only way to avoid getting unexpected mark for your term paper.

What you need to remember before you order term papers to an online term paper service is that your teacher must be very experienced to consider whether the paper you submit is authentic or not. Therefore, you should find the right site that provides you professionals’ helps in writing custom term papers. It is very important for you to buy a term paper written by professionals who guarantee the authenticity of your paper. In other words, the paper you submit will be free from any plagiarism. Besides, you surely do not want to spend big amount of money to buy a paper, do you? That’s why, affordable price is another thing that you need to consider in buying a term paper.

Effects of Technology on Education

Education has changed significantly in the last twenty years. One of the main reasons education has undergone so many changes is because of technological development. In 1990, computers and other forms of technology served a minimal role in the classroom. Today, many if not most college students attend class with a laptop. I am writing about some of the biggest advantages technology gave to education.

Technology has made research much easier. Before online Encyclopedias, Google Scholar, JSTOR, and other online research tools were available, students were forced to spend numerous hours in the library. With the new tools, students can conduct research faster in the comfort of their homes. With Google and other search engines, students can find relevant information faster and more efficiently. Also, there is no more need for intensive memorization as information is more readily available.

New also technology allows for a faster, more efficient, and more interactive classroom experience. With Powerpoint presentations and projectors, there is no need for blackboards and whiteboards. With clickers, students can take quizzes during the classroom.

These developments also help improve tutoring services. Online tutoring programs are becoming available. One-on-one in-home tutoring programs are also being aided these developments. Tutors can bring laptops to sessions allowing them to look up information, and show examples to the student more easily.

Wi-fi technology allows students to study in more comfort and a more ergonomic setting.

New mathematical software such as Maple and Mathematica allows students to make a computer algebra computations more easily. Software like Matlab and Scilab allows students to make numerical computations more easily. There is no more need for a line rule. Advanced Texas Instrument and Casio calculators allow students to solve equations and produce graphs. Online software such as Webassign allows students to submit mathematics assignments online with instant feedback.

The internet allows students to read books and educational supplements at home. There is no need to go to a bookstore or library. Since many of these sources are open source or funded by advertising, students can access these materials for free. Wikipedia, Wikibooks are good examples. Students can learn more without leaving their house.

College applications and job applications can now be complete online. Students can deliver important paperwork to universities and employers at a much faster rate.

Online education allows more students to get an education. Handicapped students, students that have to travel a lot, and students with jobs can now complete their degrees wherever they go with a flexible schedule and often at their own pace. Due to its lower costs, online education also benefits lower-income students.

Computer Technology Education Online

Are you looking to study computer technology but are unable to go to a school and take your courses? Taking computer technology courses online is one of the most convenient and best option for you. You are not only able to study almost anything you want on computer technology but you are able to do it at any hour of the day and at your own time. So if you are an adult who has a job or a student who does not want to go to a college, computer technology education online is one of the best choice for you.

If you take up an online distance learning program on computer technology, you will be learning everything about computers, network maintenance and repairs. The online computer technology schools will also teach you about computer programming. You will learn how to troubleshoot computers, install and support networks, hard drives, manage memory, use graphics,*control viruses, recover lost data, etc. If you have already received a degree in computer science I would recommend that you continue your education in computer technology as this may open up new career opportunities for you.

When you enroll into an online computer technology school you will be able to choose many different courses that will help you in your career as a professional computer technologist. If you do not want to take courses that lead to your professional certification, you can also choose to get your online degree in computer sciences. You are able to get an associates degree to a masters degree online just as if you were attending colleges.

There are many different factors that change depending on the courses that you do. Some of the factors are the length of the course, the curriculum you do, the price you will pay for tuition, etc. If you are serious about taking courses online you should shop around and look for the best deal.

Once you have graduated you are able to apply for many positions ranging from computer support specialist, system coordinator, electronics and field technician, and many, many more computer related jobs. With the computer industry on the rise, the need for computer specialists is on the rise too and taking computer technology online courses is something you should definitely consider doing. If you have a basic to advanced knowledge of computers the opportunities in the business world will favor you in many ways. Hence, getting your computer technology education online is something you should seriously consider.

Educational Technology

Educational technology is becoming more and more common in schools and this is a great thing. School officials, parents, principles and teachers all know that educational technology helps a student to learn more, learn faster and become more organized students. The limits are endless what a student can learn by successfully integrating educational technology into their studies. If they are taught in school how to use the Internet and educational technology to better their education, then they will be very prosperous in school. It's important for teachers to incorporate educational technology into classrooms not only because of the educational benefits that come from becoming very familiar with using technology as an educational tool, but because students respond well to technology.

Children now are run more by technology than ever, their wish lists went from bikes, baseballs and basketball hoops to Nintendo's, cell phones and laptops. Children love technology and the unlimited opportunities of entertainment it gives them, so why not add it into schools to keep kids excited and wanting to learn? Technology helps a lot to organize students, whether it be on the computer, saving documents to different folders, creating organized and clearly written essays or utilizing any of Microsoft's programs to enhance their document skills, educational technology helps children to become more organized. Since children love technology so much and use it so frequently a nonprofit group, Netday wanted to compose a survey to all school aged kids about technology and how it would influence them in their schooling. The survey was only supposed to last one day, it was called Speak Up Day, but because of the tremendous response they extended the survey to one week.

Officials were not surprised that children love technology and would like to see more of it, they already knew that when introducing technology into the classrooms in the past, it always caught the student's attention and got them interested. These days it requires a lot ore to be able to get students to focus and be interested in a classroom setting because of the immense amount of technological distractions that could b taking place, whether it is them texting on their cell phone, playing games on their cell phone, using handheld video game devices, listening to an iPod, or even other students doing any of these things, it causes distractions in the classroom and they don't get everything they should be out of the lesson that is being taught. By introducing the educational technology, students will put their handheld entertainment devices away and be interested to learn and see what the new technological devices can do.

Impact Of Modern Technology On Education

There is no doubt that modern technology has impacted in our life. It plays an important role in human life from various ways. It helps us to operate many critical and complex processes easily and effectively. Also in the education sector it impacted majorly and changes way of learning.

Computer Technology

In the education sector computers are revolutionary technology and you can't avoid its importance in schools. It offers interactive audio visual media that allow rendering information to students via animation software and Power Point Presentation in an interactive manner. Visual effects have made learning more interesting for students.

Now days' computer learning is a necessary part of education, so that students can gain basic knowledge of computer technology.

Internet Technology

The internet technology is providing huge information and it becomes a useful effective tool. Search engines are providing lots of information about any query. Various informative websites and web directories are providing wide knowledge. Internet is helping students to enhance their knowledge and gain some extra information too.

Internet and computer technology make distance learning simpler. Now, there is no need to be present in the classrooms, students can sit anywhere and learn. Internet also helps to submit assignment online that is now offered by number of colleges and universities.

The modern technology is not only helping us in education sector it also changing the world. Every where you can observe and sense the effect of technology. From traveling to communication everywhere technology is playing an important role and making human life trouble-free.

Online Technology Offers New Online Learning Opportunities

Online technology, especially with internet enhancement, enables the world to be connected. Border and geography are no more an issue in the online world because everyone from anywhere can meet together at a place called the internet. The enhancement of online technology shortens the distance between people all around the world and at the same time it creates new form of online learning opportunities.

It does not like the old day when people only learned at physical schools that had fixed schedules. With the enhancement of online technology, education can be done online. Online education has been introduced for decades. In the earlier stage of introduction, online education has faced a lot of technology limitation that slowed its growth, but following the enhancement of online technology for broadband internet connection, it has taken a big step to grow as one of the preferred education options for students to pursue their degrees.

Online technology also makes possible for learning and working to be done simultaneous, instead of asynchronously. In the old day, working individuals who were thinking of earning a career related degree had to quit their job or taking unpaid leave if they want to study full-time. Or, they need to scarify their family time to take the evening classes on a related degree program. Both options need you to scarify either your current job or your family time. But, online education enables you to perform both work and study at the same time. With a proper time management, you can keep your current job and carrying out family obligations while getting a degree online. Online technology has created a new learning opportunity for working individuals, encouraging more and more adult learners who have entered workplaces for years to go back to school and learning at virtual world from anywhere and at any time.

In the old day, you might have to go to library or bookstores to find references for knowledge when you need it. You have to go through page by page to find the required information that might take up a lot of your time. With online technology, new learning opportunity can be reached at a finger tip. The internet is full of knowledge and information that cover almost anything on the earth and out of planet. There are zillions of pages, but you can find the required information easily with the search features available with some simple mouse clicks.

New learning opportunities brought by online technology not only benefit students and working individuals, but also stay-at-home moms. With online technology, full-time moms now can learn new knowledge and improve themselves with the necessary knowledge to stay at the edge of the modern world. They can even learn how to earn an income online with home-based businesses and generate an income stream to support their family.

Accounting Technology Degree Studies

The use of computers has changed the way most people conduct business at both the personal and corporate level. The need for technology to be applied to accounting has established education opportunities for students to gain a degree in accounting technology. Two main degree programs can be entered, which include an associate's degree and a bachelor's degree.

This growing field allows accountants to develop databases quickly and more efficiently with the use of computer technology. The use of data networks, information systems, and accounting applications provides the means to conduct computerized accounting. This ability is becoming more prominent as the use of technology provides fast and accurate ways to communicate monetary information to an organization. Students can step into an associate's degree program to gain a complete background in accounting. Education works to provide the skills needed to apply accounting and financial information to real world applications.

Students should expect a curriculum that is heavily based on merging computer applications with accounting.
Cost analysis and tax preparation are two accounting courses that teach students how to work with accounting principles.
Computer skills are taught to students by having them work through courses on basic computer use and computer software applications.

An associate's degree allows students to enter the workforce quickly.

A bachelor's degree tends to encompass business accounting with technology providing students with the knowledge to be crucial members of a business. Colleges offer students the training to become skilled accountants responsible for collecting and analyzing the financial data that is so vital to business planning.

Students learn how to create databases and interpret financial data through business information tools, applications, and data integration technologies.
These skills and others are becoming extremely commonplace to conduct even the most basic daily accounting activities.
The curriculum covers these aspects by delivering an education that begins with accounting fundamentals in computing and database development.

Courses wrap up learning by exploring how a business cooperates with the global environment on the information and technical level.

Degree studies cover principles and computer aspects of the field. Studies within a principles course explore the theory and logic that make up accounting practices. Some core topics include the cycle of accounting for merchandising companies, special journals, inventory systems, and internal control procedures. Learning how to use accounting applications can be learned through a computerized accounting course. Students work through the course by following the guidelines on how to convert a manual accounting system into an electronic system. The course includes all of the daily activities conducted by professionals to give students a thorough understanding of a company's financial needs. Managing employees, working with organization behavior, and learning leadership skills are other central areas of degree studies that prepare students to be an asset to a business.

Troubleshooting Dim Laptop Screens

Depending on the generation of the laptop in question, there are a few reasons why your screen may be dim. But first let's define what a dim laptop screen really is. A dim laptop screen is when a laptop screen is so dim that you need an external lightsource to view it, however at the right angle or illumination it can be seen that it the laptop itself is outputting information to it, yet is not easily viewed without assistance

In order to properly diagnose a dim laptop screen we need to determine the type of Laptop Screen you have. There are two styles, the first style which was common until the last year or two is called the CCFL/Inverter style. This type of screen uses a compact fluorescent bulb (not the same as in our home lamps, but similar concept).

Or you could have what is called a LED Screen, Both Laptops use a liquid crystal displays or LCD as we commonly call them to display the information, however they are illuminated differently. A LED Based screen does not use an inverter based system since the voltages required are not near as high as they are for the CCFL based screen.

Alright, so take a minute and identify the type of screen you have, and then jump to the next part.

Troubleshooting Dim Laptop Screen on CCFL based laptop:

First you will need to remove the bezel, then you will find on the lower part of the screen a long thin circuit board that will be mounted to the back of the screen surround. Take this to a small computer repair shop, and ask if they have a used one you can buy for testing for around $10.00, or order a comparable part off of eBay they should cost less than $20.00 dollars in most cases. Spend money? Yes, because it will cost you significantly less then having any local computer store or Best Buy repair it for you.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, then we know it is the screen. I recommend they have the best prices in the industry even when you add in their shipping costs. They do not use ground shipping they only ship 3 day UPS, or FEDEX.

Troubleshooting LED Dim Laptop Screens can be a little more tricky.

Usually this will require removing the top plate on your laptop in order to access the motherboard from there you need to locate where the ribbon cable connects to the motherboard. Once you have located the ribbon connector on the motherboard you will need to thoroughly examine the motherboard for a fuse that is extremely tiny, but if you look for printing that will say something along the lines of F1= 32V, 3A or anything along those lines you are on the right track. If you are not sure how to disassemble your laptop, either take it to an expert, or if you have an adventurous spirit, jump on YouTube, and most of the time you can find a video for most models of laptops, showing you step by step how to tear them down.

Once you have located the fuse you need to use a multi-meter in order to test it for continuity, if it fails to pass the continuity test this means you have a bad fuse. If it passes the continuity test it is time to replace the screen as this means the voltage is getting to the screen but the circuitry on the screen itself is not lighting the bulb.



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